















12日方管价格窄幅调整,今日145小窄带开盘较昨涨20,主流厂家报3710元/吨,整体成交一般偏弱,上午期货小幅走强但上涨乏力,下游多谨 慎观望为主,往日的厂家出清现象今日上午并未出现,但厂家受限于成本,盘中仅下调10元/吨,降后出货并未有明显好转,午后期货突然大幅拉涨,极大的刺激 了市场需求,小窄带成交立马好转,多家出清日产,下调的10元也纷纷回涨;唐山355方管主流较昨持涨10,中宽带较昨持稳,355系中宽带现货市场 报价较昨日涨20-30左右,早盘期货市场有小幅探涨迹象,本就流通性很强的355系方管成交稍显活跃,但出货较往日并未有明显改观,随后多家钢厂发布自 行检修停产,后期钢铁产量将受到很大影响,午后期货市场大幅拉涨,对现货市场产生了极大冲击,下游心态纷纷好转,目前低位成交渐好,但仍有部分终端持观望 态度,连续多日的现货市场阴霾现象也有些缓和;华东华南地区今日方管价格多窄幅调整,午后期货大幅拉涨,方管厂家信心尚可,但市价偏弱运行。市场交投氛围平 平,下游需求尚未完全复苏,方管厂家观望心态浓。目前由于山东大部分地区暴雨,下游需求受限,个别贸易商报价小幅走低,即使报稳方管厂家在实际成交过程中仍有议价 空间,成本坚挺的情况下,现货仍有支撑,华南地区,热轧方管与冷轧卷板价格逐步恢复正常,冷轧厂采购情绪转好,方管厂家反馈方管下行压力有所减弱。综合来看, 考虑到目前钢厂主动限产缓压,预计明日国内方管价格或将小幅反弹。

12-day price adjustment, today's 145 small narrow-band opening 20% higher than yesterday, the mainstream manufacturers reported 3710 yuan/ton, the overall turnover is generally weak, futures in the morning slightly stronger but weak, downstream more cautious wait-and-see mainly, the former factory clearing phenomenon did not appear this morning, but manufacturers limited by costs, only 10% lower in the market. Yuan/ton, shipment did not improve significantly after the drop, and the sudden sharp increase in late afternoon goods greatly stimulated market demand, small narrow-band transactions improved, many square tube manufacturers cleared Nissan, the 10 yuan cut back also rose; Tangshan 355 square tube mainstream rose by 10, broadband broadband was more stable than yesterday, 355 series broadband spot market. The quotation is about 20-30 higher than yesterday. The early futures market shows a slight increase. The 355 series, which have strong liquidity, are slightly active, but the shipment has not improved significantly. Subsequently, several steel mills announced their own maintenance and shutdown. Later, the steel output will be greatly affected. The late afternoon goods market will rise sharply. Spot market has had a great impact, downstream mentality has improved one after another, the current low turnover is getting better, but there are still some terminals holding a wait-and-see attitude, and the haze phenomenon in the spot market for many days has eased somewhat; how narrow adjustments in the price of square tubes in East and South China today, the sharp increase in late afternoon goods, square tube manufacturers'confidence is still acceptable, but Market price is weak. Market trading atmosphere is flat, downstream demand has not yet fully recovered, the Side-Controlled manufacturers wait-and-see mentality is strong. At present, due to the rainstorm in most areas of Shandong Province, the downstream demand is limited, and the quotations of individual traders are slightly lower. Even if the stable square tube manufacturers still have bargaining space in the actual transaction process, the spot still has support under the strong cost. In South China, the prices of hot-rolled square tube and cold-rolled coil sheet are gradually returning to normal, and the cold-rolled mill is picking up. The purchasing mood improved and the downward pressure of the feedback from the square tube manufacturer weakened. To sum up, considering the current steel mill initiative to limit production and slow down pressure, it is expected that the domestic pipe price will rebound slightly tomorrow. 方管价格方面:唐山热轧方管(2.5*355mm)唐山瑞丰3710较昨涨10;天津热轧方管 4.0*(480-570)天津荣钢送到大邱庄价3785;无锡热轧方管(2.5*355mm)中天3870较上个交易日暂稳,莱芜热轧方管2.5* (232-355)莱钢3760较上个交易日跌20,唐山热轧小窄带报3710较昨涨20。

In terms of square pipe price, Tangshan Ruifeng 3710 of Tangshan hot-rolled square pipe (2.5*355mm) rose 10% from yesterday; Tianjin hot-rolled square pipe 4.0* (480-570) was sent to Daqiu by Tianjin Ronggang at 3785; Wuxi hot-rolled square pipe (2.5*355mm) was temporarily stable in midday 3870, while Laiwu hot-rolled square pipe 2.5* (232-355) was 20% lower than the previous trading day, and Tangshan hot-rolled square pipe 3760 was 20% lower than the previous trading day. Hot-rolled narrow strip 3710 is 20% higher than yesterday.

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